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Maia's dance productions 

Maia's Dance Productions

.I was a competitive gymnast at the age of 5 to 9 and only got into dancing at the age of 11. over the years growing experiencing different styles growing into to the love of dance, I started dancing professionally at the age of 14 receiving scholars and choreographing professionally. I continue to grow, learn, and develop. check out my latest tutorials and performances!  



In my life, there have been many people and things that have been huge influences on me. one of my biggest dance inspirations is my mother  "Lorayne Taylor" -salsa dancer/ fitness model. some people dance because it builds confidence. People are scared to break the barrier of dancing or taking dance classes because they’re afraid of looking awkward, or they simply don’t know what to do. What they don’t realize is that they’re not alone. Plenty of people don’t know how to dance, or they don’t understand timing either, and if they take that dance class, they will feel better knowing that there are other people who don’t know either. Also, dancing helps people build confidence because of the physical aspect of it. dancing has helped me gain confidence.

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